Join Us
Member Benefits
Imagine a world where you can buy much of what you need for business or for personal use and not spend any cash? Imagine a world where you have a qualified team of people poised to help you buy what you are looking for? Imagine a world where you have thousands of other businesses eager to serve your needs and sell you products but won’t take your cash? No need to imagine? Welcome to BNL, Your Trading Partner.
The Value of Barter Network Ltd.
The cornerstone of Barter Network is ensuring our BNL Trade Dollar delivers you unsurpassed financial value. We actively promote and regulate fair trading practices and can proudly state we are the best managed barter exchange in Canada with a fiercely loyal membership. With 75% or our growth stemming from referrals through our elated members, we are the nation’s fastest growing exchange and have been awarded the prestigious Consumers Choice Award for the past 20 years for both Toronto & Ottawa. We believe that value must go beyond the financial transactions between our members and our firm. The true differentiator between good companies and great companies is the value placed on each and every customer relationship. We recognize that the success of BNL is wholly dependent on that value we place on every member relationship and every member communication. We take this responsibility seriously. In delivering our unparalleled and industry leading service experience, we provide our members with a series of value added offerings to make their trading experiences superlative.
Barter Network is also a proud partner of Universal Currency which allows its members to access other premier trade exchanges worldwide! We can assist you with all travel requirements from Business & Corporate travel, Train tickets, Resort accommodations, Island Getaways & Expedition Cruises perfect for Promotional use, Limousine Services and much more. Great for choice of booking dates, to use as promotional prizing or for gifting to clients or staff! Barter Network offers featured packages, family oriented trips, luxury travel, romantic getaways and adventure! Call BNL for more info today!
Our Interactive Website
Everything you need to know about bartering effectively with BNL can be found online
A revolutionary program designed to make your trading experiences more simplified, personable, relevant, engaging and connective.
Enabling our members to process trades online, post new offers, shop online, see previous transactions and statements and even communicate with other members, all without ever having to leave their computers.
An online showroom with very latest jewellery, art, collectibles, gifts and other fabulous offerings.
A Selection of user friendly request forms and lists providing easy access to buying or selling through BNL.
An extensive searchable online membership directory so you can find what you want whenever you want it.
BNL Trading Communications
If you want to know what is available for trade, or how to best maximize your BNL membership, our series of e-publications tell all.
BNL Travel Offers: go out to all markets across Canada regularly. They are an overview of what travel is being featured at 100% trade and members have access to updated three differentravel directories: Canadian Travel , USA Travel & International Travel. Many of the offerings are in North America, however, we also offer access to a large array of 5 star properties throughout Mexico and the Caribbean, as well as Exotic vacations to places like Fiji, New Zealand & Thailand.
Enabling our members to process trades online, post new offers, shop online, see previous transactions and statements and even communicate with other members, all without ever having to leave their computers.
BNL Featured Offers: Every weekend we will highlight ONE member in detail via email to selected markets.
BNL Quality Service program
Your trading partner is more than our tagline ... it is our mission
It's not just about delivering our service; it is about ensuring we always remain Best in Class. Our ongoing commitment to outstanding member relationship includes:
Regular member networking and special events to promote new sales, new purchases and new friendships.
Continual service excellence and industry training for our staff, including ensuring our key personnel earn the Certified Trade Broker (CTB) designation from our governing organization.
Ongoing member satisfaction surveys to learn how we can continually improve our member relationships.
Ready to talk?
Find out how we can help your business achieve faster growth, increased profitability and improved owner lifestyle